© 2017 Proceq SA
The Chipping Graph View provides an area mapping of the measured
potential values with a fixed green/yellow/red color palette referring to the
thresholds set in the Cumulative Distribution View. An immediate over-
view is then provided discriminating the actively corroding areas (red)
from the passive areas (green) and the uncertain regions (yellow). You can
zoom and scroll to any desired location and add text notes to any cell or
group of cells as described in 4.2.3 Corrosion-Scan Measurement Mode.
NOTE! It is always advisable to perform direct visual check
on open locations in order to confirm/refine the expected
corrosion potential thresholds.
Chipping Graph ASTM
Figure 42: Chipping Graph
NOTE! It is always advisable to perform direct visual check
on open locations in order to confirm/refine the expected
corrosion potential thresholds.
The Chipping Graph ASTM is a Chipping Graph View with the potential
thresholds suggested by ASTM C 876-09, Appendix X1, assigning a 90%
probability of corrosion ongoing to the areas more negative than -350 mV,
and a 90% probability of no corrosion to the areas more positive than
-200 mV, judging uncertain the behavior in the regions in between the
two thresholds. An immediate overview is then provided discriminating
the actively corroding areas (red) from the passive areas (green) and the
uncertain regions (yellow). You can zoom and scroll to any desired loca-
tion and add text notes to any cell or group of cells as described in 4.2.3
Corrosion-Scan Measurement Mode.