© 2017 Proceq SA
The DBV-Evaluation is an evaluation of the cover readings according
to the German Concrete and Construction Association DBV (Deutscher
Beton- und Bautechnik Verein). It is also recommended by RILEM.
The DBV-Evaluation requires at least 20 cover readings. The distribution
function F(c
) as well as the threshold values c(5 %) and c(10 %) are
calculated. The c(x%)–values are displayed in green when the measuring
series is accepted, respectively in red if not.
Statistics values box DBV:
Above the measuring series is accepted, below not.
Cover values above the calculated upper
boundary are not considered and shown as
bars with a yellow frame only (see on the right
side bars at cover values 17 mm, 18 mm and
19 mm).
Figure 19:
Statistics Views DBV-Evaluation
For more details of the DBV-Evaluation please refer to the Info sheet
“Statistics according to DBV-Evaluation” available as pdf-file on the Pro-
fometer Touchscreen under Information/Documents and in the download
section of www.proceq.com.
Single-Line View
630 AI
650 AI
The Single-Line View can be displayed if measurements have been
done and stored in the Single-Line, Multi-Line or Cross-Line Mode (not
from Area-Scan Mode). It shows the rebar positions in a cross section.
The rebars are shown to scale depending on the diameter set. To show
them as a circle zoom the horizontal and vertical axis to the same scale.
However, for measurements over a long distance, like in a tunnel the
scale of the horizontal axis will be much smaller and the rebars shown
as vertical bars.
Figure 20:
Single-Line View with cover curve
Figure 20 shows a Single-Line View with Metric Unit, Minimum Cover (dot-
ted horizontal line in red) and Cover Curve (dotted curve in yellow). In case
a diameter was measured its value is shown in blue above the rebar in the
unit set. In case the diameter was manually set it is shown in orange.
Figure 21 shows a Single-Line with the Signal Strength Curve (dotted