PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
1) Enable Auto IP Service
A checkbox to enable or disable the Auto IP service of the Mesh AP
2) Mesh IP Prefix
Define the prefix of the Mesh IP Address.
Data Type: Integer, in the range of 0 to 255
Default Value: 10
3) VLAN IP Prefix
Define the prefix of the VLAN0 IP Address
Data type: Integer, in the range of 0 to 255
Default value is 172 Services -> Route Watch Dog
The route watchdog will probe for default route periodically. In case if the default route is not
detected, it will change the ESSID of the active wireless radio to the value set in this panel, as
to alert the user regarding the failure.
1) Enable Route Watch Dog Service
A checkbox to enable or disable the route watchdog service of the Mesh AP
The SSID used when the default route is not detected throughout the
watchdog routine.
Data Type: Display String
3) Interval
PLANET Mesh Network Manager Guide
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