Safety – Setting up and commissioning – Operation – Spare parts lists
EC Declaration of Conformity
1 EC Declaration of Conformity
Knauf PFT GmbH & Co. KG
Postfach 60
97343 Iphofen
declares, with exclusive responsibility, that the machine
Device type:
Transportable sheet cutting table
Machine model:
PFT BOARDMASTER 2500 / 3150 / 4000 / 2500 mobile
Serial number:
See type plate
Guaranteed sound power level:
described in the enclosed documentation is in accordance with the EC Machinery Directives
2006/42/EC, 93/68/EEC, 2004/108/ EEC, 2000/14/EC.
Furthermore, the following standards and regulations apply:
DIN EN 418
EN 1088
DIN EN 953
EN ISO 12100
DIN EN 349
EN ISO 13857/2008
DIN EN 954-1
EN 60204-1/97
Agent responsible for putting together the relevant technical documentation:
Dipl.-Wirtsch.-Ing. Michael Duelli, Einersheimer Straße 53, 97346 Iphofen, Germany.
The technical documentation is held at:
Knauf PFT GmbH & Co.KG, Technische Abteilung, Einersheimer Straße 53, 97346 Iphofen, Germany.
Iphofen, November 2015
Dr. York Falkenberg
General Manager
Place and date of issue
Name and signature
Information on undersigned