Safety – Setting up and commissioning – Operation – Spare parts lists
Tool change
When fitting the saw blade note the direction indicator on the groove sawing unit and on
the blade (Fig. 18.06)
Before using the groove cutting saw, set the depth gauge to 0 mm (Fig. 19.04).
In order to achieve better cutting performance in the material, it is recommended to replace the Pertinax
skid plate (Fig. 19.05). For this purpose, a pre-slotted Pertinax plate is mounted (Fig. 19.06).
Then set up and perform a first cut as follows:
1. Locate the power unit on the machine head.
2. Turn on the main switch.
3. Fix the longitudinal and transverse axes.
4. Check that the depth stop is set to “0 mm” (Fig. 19.04).
5. Start up the groove sawing unit.
6. Carefully lower the unit onto a plasterboard you positioned previously.
7. Slowly turn down the depth stop on the power unit until the desired depth is reached.
8. You may need to readjust until the correct shaped part results are achieved.
The height stop on the machine head must not prevent the power unit sliding freely, and must thus
be turned down accordingly.
Be careful when cleaning the bottom of the groove sawing unit; the opening cut open
by groove milling cutter (Fig. 19.08) is very sharp and can easily cause cuts!