• Blackout duration: This duration is the number of hours that you add to the blackout start time
to form the blackout period. The blackout period refers to the time interval during which no
defrosts occur. Select the number of minutes for your preferred blackout period duration. The
duration starts at the blackout start time.
Binary inputs and alarms
The following sections provide details about binary inputs and alarms.
Binary input modes
Set each of the binary inputs to one of the modes in Table 21. When you select an input mode, one
or more controller actions associate with that mode.
• The system defines alarm actions separately from control actions.
• The selection of a particular input mode may affect the list of available alarms. For example,
Door Open Too Long becomes a potential alarm only when you define the input as Door
Table 21: Binary input modes and control actions
Control action when condition is true
The status of the binary input has no effect on the controller.
Refrigerant leak System shutdown. The system remains shut down as long as the refrigerant leak
condition persists. A system shutdown takes priority over the normal control of
the compressor, defrost, and fan or auxiliary relays.
Door open
You can select one of these options for this binary input mode:
• Normal control—indicates that the compressor relay, fan or auxiliary relay,
and defrost relay are unaffected
• Shut off cooling
• Energize auxiliary relay—if the relay is used for auxiliary purposes
• Fan relay off—if the relay is used for the fan
Setting up binary input modes
Set the two binary inputs to one of the modes in the following table. To configure an input mode,
indicate input that equates to the true condition.
Table 22: Controller binary inputs and mode selections
Binary input
Mode selection
Binary true state
• None, or unused
• Refrigerant Leak
• Door open
Table 23 explains the types of alarms that you can program on the controller.
Alarm setup parameters
The following table provides information about the controller’s alarms and their corresponding
true conditions.
MR5 Series Panel Mount Case Controller Technical Bulletin