Function Parameters
AC10 Inverter
F340 Selection of
terminal negative logic
Setting range:
0: Invalid
1: DI1 negative logic
2: DI2 negative logic
4: DI3 negative logic
8: DI4 negative logic
16: DI5 negative logic
32: DI6 negative logic
Mfr’s value: 0
For example if user wants to set DI1 and DI4 to negative logic, set F340=1+8=9
9.4 Analog Input and Output
AC10 series IP66 inverters have 2 analog input channels and 2 analog output channels.
F400 Lower limit of AI1 channel input (V) Setting range: 0.00
Mfr’s value: 0.01
F401 Corresponding setting for lower limit
of AI1 input
Setting range: 0
Mfr’s value: 1.00
F402 Upper limit of AI1 channel input (V) Setting range: F400
10.00 Mfr’s value: 10.00
F403 Corresponding setting for upper limit
of AI1 input
Setting range:
Max (1.00
Mfr’s value: 2.00
F404 AI1 channel proportional gain K1
Setting range: 0.0
Mfr’s value: 1.0
F405 AI1 filtering time constant (S)
Setting range: 0.1
Mfr’s value: 0.10
In the mode of analog speed control, sometimes it is required to adjust the relationship between
the upper limit and lower limit of the value input analog, analog changes and the output
frequency, to achieve a satisfactory speed control effect.
The upper and lower limit of analog input are set by F400 and F402.
For example: when F400=1, F402=8, if analog input voltage is lower than 1V, system judges it
as 0. If input voltage is higher than 8V, system judges it as 10V (suppose analog channel
selects 0-10V). If Max frequency F111 is set to 50Hz, the output frequency corresponding to
1-8V is 0-50Hz.
The filtering time constant is set by F405.
The greater the filtering time constant is, the more stable for the analog testing. However, the
precision may decrease to a certain extent. It may require appropriate adjustment according to
actual application.
Channel proportional gain is set by F404.
If 1V corresponds to 10Hz and F404=2, then 1V will correspond to 20Hz.
Corresponding setting for upper / lower limit of analog input are set by F401 and F403.
If Max frequency F111 is 50Hz, analog input voltage 0-10V can correspond to output frequency
from -50Hz
50Hz by setting these group function codes. Please set F401=0 and F403=2,
then 0V corresponds to -50Hz, 5V corresponds to 0Hz and 10V corresponds to 50Hz. The unit
scaling the upper / lower limit of input is in percentage (%). If the value is greater than 1.00, it is
positive; if the value is less than 1.00, it is negative. (e.g. F401=0.5 represents –50%).
If the running direction is set to forward running by F202, then 0-5V corresponding to the minus
frequency will cause reverse running, or vice versa.
TC-Hydraulik - R
sdorfer Str. 8 - 25746 Heide - Lars Lornsen - T: +49 481 909 - 34 - [email protected] -