Modbus Communication
AC10 Inverter
12.6.4 Illegal Response When Reading Parameters
Slave parameters
The highest-order byte changes
into 1.
Command meaning:
0001: Illegal function code
0002: Illegal address
0003: Illegal data
0004: Slave fault
note 2
Note 2: Illegal response 0004 appears below two cases:
1. Do not reset inverter when inverter is in the malfunction state.
2. Do not unlock inverter when inverter is in the locked state.
Additional Remarks
Expressions during communication process:
Parameter Values of Frequency
actual value X 100 (General Series)
Parameter Values of Frequency
actual value X 10 (Medium Frequency Series)
Parameter Values of Time=actual value X 10
Parameter Values of Current=actual value X 10
Parameter Values of Voltage=actual value X 1
Parameter Values of Power =actual value X 100
Parameter Values of Drive Ratio=actual value X 100
Parameter Values of Version No. =actual value X 100
Instruction: Parameter value is the value sent in the data package. Actual value is the actual
value of inverter. After PC/PLC receives the parameter value, it will divide the corresponding
coefficient to get the actual value.
NOTE: Take no account of radix point of the data in the data package when PC/PLC transmits
command to inverter. The valid value is range from 0 to 65535.
TC-Hydraulik - R
sdorfer Str. 8 - 25746 Heide - Lars Lornsen - T: +49 481 909 - 34 - [email protected] -