Operator’s Manual – OPTI CCA-TS2
Option 2:
<QC Lockout Enable>
(Fig. 3-13).
When this option is enabled, external QC
measurements must be performed at specified
intervals for patient measurements to be allowed.
1. To specify the number of QC measurements to
be performed, make sure
<Lockout By Level
is not selected and select 1, 2 or 3 in
<By Number>
2. To specify the levels to run, select
By Level Enable>
and the levels to run in the
<By Level>
3. Define the time interval during which QC
measurements must be run. Options are
8, 12, 24 hours,7 days and 1 month.
4. By default, the analyzer is set to run 3 levels of
external controls at 1 month intervals.
5. To disable QC lockouts, deselect
<QC Lockout
6. Press
to accept the changes.
NOTE: The selected time interval starts with the
time this feature is activated.
More than one option can be selected.
For instance, laboratories can require that
a combination of SRCs and liquid QC is run
on a daily basis. This should be based on
hospital policy.
NOTE: Control lockouts are based on data stored in
the Controls database (see Section 4).
This database may include data measured
with any cassette lot or cassette type.
Fig. 3-13 QC Lockout