Operator’s Manual – OPTI CCA-TS2
When calibration is verified, the analyzer aspirates the blood sample into the cassette and across
the optode sensors. Fluorescence emission is then measured after equilibrating with the blood
sample. After a single measurement, the cassette, containing the blood sample, is removed from
the analyzer and discarded. The analyzer contains no reagents, blood or waste.
1.3 Contents
Before you begin installing your OPTI CCA-TS2 Analyzer, take a moment to look over the
contents to ensure you have the following:
Power supply with power cord
1 Multi-level Standard Reference Cassette (SRC) (Levels 1, 2 and 3)
Thermal printer paper
tHB calibration cassette
You will also need the following consumables prior to setup:
OPTI sensor cassettes
Gas bottle
Quality Control Material - OPTI CHECK or OPTI CHECK PLUS (with glucose or BUN