Operator’s Manual – OPTI CCA-TS2
3 CUSTOMIZATION Selecting QC Lockout
Fig. 3-11 QC Lockout
This menu can be used to ‘lock out’ operators unless
some form of QC is peformed. OPTI Medical
recommends using each option described below.
Each facility should develop their own policies
on the frequency and type of QC based on the
regulatory requirements. The instrument is factory-
set with lockout options turned on. To change these
settings, follow the steps below:
In the main menu, select
<System Manager>
in the
tab (Fig. 3-11).
menu contains 3 screens:
<New Lot>
Option 1:
<SRC Lockout Enable>
(Fig. 3-12).
When this option is enabled, SRC measurements
must be performed at specified intervals for patient
measurements to be allowed.
1. To specify the number of SRC measurements to
be performed, make sure
<Lockout By Level
is not selected and select 1, 2 or 3 in
<By Number>
2. To specify the levels to run, select
By Level Enable>
and the levels to run in the
<By Level>
3. Define the time interval during which SRC
measurements must be run. Options are
8, 12, 24 hours and 7 days.
4. The defaults are set to run Level 1 and 3 every
24 hours (OPTI QC recommendations).
5. To disable SRC lockouts, deselect
Lockout Enable>
6. Press
to accept the changes.
NOTE: The selected time interval starts with the
time this feature is activated.
Fig. 3-12 SRC Lockout