Chapter 5: Call/Door Boxes
Figure 5-24
SetNetGo will Confirm that the Selection was Enabled
Identifying an Installed Call/Door Box
Call Buttons
If a call button does not have a goal, it will display a distinctive light pattern: the top, bottom,
left, and right distance LEDs will be on; the other LEDs will be off.
If the button is pressed and there is no goal assigned, you will be presented with a pop-up noti-
fication in the MobilePlanner software:
Device <XX:YY:ZZ> button pressed with no goal assigned.
This can be used if you have installed multiple call buttons, and need to assign their goals.
The pop-up will identify which button was pressed, so you can find the correct items to con-
figure in the MobilePlanner software.
Door Boxes
If you have installed multiple door boxes without adding their Door area data to the map, you
can use the box push-button to identify the box. Pressing the push-button causes a pop-up mes-
sage to be displayed in the MobilePlanner software, identifying which door box was pressed.
Push-button on door box <XX:YY:ZZ> was pressed.
This ensures that you are setting up the correct door box on the map.
Setting the Arrival Beep Duration
The following parameter will not be visible unless the
Show Parameters box is checked.
1. Go to MobilePlanner > Config > Robot Interface.
2. Call Button and I/O Devices > BeepSeconds
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