LD Platform Peripherals Guide
13732-000 Rev J
4.4 Operation
In Patrol mode, this option isn’t displayed.
After pressing the Status tab, you will be given a choice of either Alerts, Robot, I/O, or
Peripherals (which accesses screen-cleaning mode).
The number of alert messages that are available for viewing is indicated by a number in
a red circle on the Status button. See the preceding figure.
Figure 4-14
Status Tab and Sub-menu
Alerts shows an abbreviated list of all active alert messages.
Touching on a specific message will display that full message.
Robot shows robot status, such as the IP address, what it is currently doing, and
its mode.
Position Details, within the Robot Status screen, shows the robot’s position, head-
ing, velocity, and localization score.
I/O will display any of the Core Digital Inputs / Outputs that have been con-
figured as a “custom” type.