LD Platform Peripherals Guide
13732-000 Rev J
7.2 Configuration
/dev/ttyUSB6. Assure that the correct port is designated by the sensor’s X,Y,Z position.
The wiring harness is labeled so that /dev/ttyUSB6 is connected to the left laser.
LaserPowerOutput: Set to Vertical_Laser_Power.
LaserIsTilted: Designates that the lasers are side-mounted and will scan vertically.
Check the box.
The parameter LaserIsTiltedNegativeSensor should be disabled if this is checked.
Figure 7-6
MobilePlanner Side Laser Parameters
In MobilePlanner, navigate to Robot Operation > Laser_3 and _4 Tilted. This portion of the con-
figuration allows the laser to be configured for the application’s specific environment.
In select cases, you will need to modify the Cumulative parameters. Sensor readings are often
held on the map so that the robot remembers an obstacle even when it cannot be actively seen.
The length of time that the robot will remember these readings is
MaxSecondstoKeepCumlative. In dynamic environments where the robot will be encountering
many obstacles, but many open paths for the robot exist, this value should be about five
seconds. If your environment has a restricted number of possible robot paths, this number
should stay relatively large, such as thirty seconds, so that the robot does not rediscover the
same obstacle multiple times. Contact your local Omron Support if you have difficulty tuning
these parameters for your environment.