Chapter 6: Acuity Localization
Light Video Analysis parameters apply to the images used for both mapping and loc-
If the MinRefreshInterval—the rate at which new images are acquired—is higher than
the LightTimer in the Light Localization section, then light localization will be limited
to the MinRefreshInterval. The AMR can’t localize faster than it is receiving new
images from the camera.
The laser and light data are generated from the same scan. You only have to drive the AMR
through the environment once to gather the information necessary for a map containing points
and lines generated from the laser data, as well as rectangles, used to represent facility light-
ing, generated from the camera images.
Light Height
Before scanning, measure the height from the floor to the lights. Use the height of the lights,
not the ceiling, as most lights are set away from the ceiling by some amount. For diffused fluor-
escent lights, in an office setting, the ceiling height is typically fine. Metal-halide dome lights
in high-bay warehouses are typically hung from the ceiling by about one meter.
Enter the height of the lights in the AMR’s configuration in the Robot Operation > Light Ana-
lysis section. The 3d: MinLightHeight parameter should be about 15% less than the measured
height, and 3d:MaxLightHeight should be 15% more than the measured height. All lights
between those heights will be included when the map is created.
Enter the actual measured height into the 3d:DrawingLightHeight parameter (this is strictly for
display purposes, and does not affect AMR operation).
If there are areas within the environment that have different light heights, you do not have to
scan the space again. Pick one light height to be first, and enter the values for Min and Max
light height into the configuration before scanning. You can adjust these later, and multiple
maps can be processed from the same scan file. This will be covered later.
Light Size
Measure the size of the lights. By default the maximum light length is set at 2000 mm to pre-
vent the detection of large, erroneous lights on a map. If your lights are longer than this, you
will need to increase the 3d:MaxLightLength parameter, which is in the Robot Operation >
Light Analysis section. The AMR will not be able to scan lights which are long and con-
tinuous, such that the light cannot be captured in a single image. For particularly large lights,
it may be necessary to change the 3d:DrawingMaxSize parameter, visible when the Show
Parameters box is checked, which limits the perimeter of a light. The default for this is
10000 mm.
Scan Pattern
Scanning for Acuity localization is carried out the same way as for the laser alone, starting
and stopping the scan from the MobilePlanner software. When scanning for Acuity, make sure
you drive the AMR underneath each light that is visible from any point you want the AMR to
go. This generally requires more driving than for a laser-only scan.
For a space that is about 30 x 30 meters, the following path was used for the scan. Lights are
represented as light blue rectangles on the map created from this scan.
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LD Platform Peripherals Guide