Chapter 5: Call/Door Boxes
Figure 5-22
Entering a Goalname for the Call Button
1. Go to MobilePlanner > Config > Robot Interface, then
2. Call Button and I/O Devices > EthernetDevices > NumEthernetDevices
Enter the total number of Ethernet call/door boxes.
MobilePlanner will create <NumEthernetDevices> devices, starting with Device1, each
with an IPAddress, Type, and GoalName field.
3. Call Button and I/O Devices > EthernetDevices > Device1
For the following fields:
IPAddress : Enter the IP address that you assigned to the box.
Type is auto-populated with either CallButton or Door.
GoalName (call buttons only)
Enter the name of the associated goal.
Priority (call buttons only)
Enter the priority to assign to the associated goal. This field will only be visible if
the Show Parameters box is checked.
This is an integer value that represents the priority of the pickup request. The
higher the number, the sooner the EM will service the request. The default pri-
ority is 10. The range is –2147483648 to 2147483647.
4. Repeat this for all Ethernet call/door boxes, Device2 through Devicex, where x is the
value of NumEthernetDevices.
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LD Platform Peripherals Guide