AFP-400 Installation
PN 50253:A2 03/12/96
System Components
Peripheral Displays and
LCD-80 Display
The LCD-80 alphanumeric display module is an AFP-400 ancillary device that
provides two modes of operation:
, where it acts as a display
repeater; and
, where it acts as an alphanumeric annunciator.
The display features the following:
80-character LCD display backlights under normal and alarm conditions.
Control switches for Acknowledge, Signal Silence, and System Reset.
Time/date display field.
ABF-1 package with key switch and phone jack options.
Mounts up to 6000 feet from the control panel.
Local piezo sounder with alarm/trouble resound.
The PRN-4 features the following:
prints all status changes within the system;
time-stamps the printout with the current time-of-day and date; and
provides 80 columns of data on standard 9" x 11" tractor-feed paper.
A two-color, 40-column printer that meets UL fire and security requirements.
The printer mounts in a separate cabinet next to the control panel. For
more information on the Keltron printer, contact the manufacturer (Keltron
Corp., Waltham, MA).
Keltron Remote Printer
PRN-4 Remote Printer
The CRT terminal provides a video display of status, and a full keyboard for
access to status information.
CRT Terminal
The following printers and display devices are compatible with the AFP-400
LCD-80 display
PRN-4 printer
Keltron Remote Printer
CRT-2 Display Terminal