AFP-400 Installation
PN 50253:A2 03/12/96
Appendix A: Annunciators
Appendix A contains the following information:
Tables necessary for configuring the annunciator display; and
Typical annunciator wiring diagrams.
Note that Appendix A contains information specific to the AFP-400 only. For
complete annunciator installation information, refer to the respective
annunciator manual.
The AFP-400 provides Terminal Mode (LCD-80) and ACS Mode Interfaces
that provide high speed, two-way communication link to multiple annuncia-
tors. You can locate annunciators up to 6000 feet from the control panel.
Use the Terminal Mode Interface for communicating with LCD-80 Annuncia-
tors operating in Terminal Mode. In Terminal Mode, each LCD-80 display
reflects the AFP-400 front panel display. Each LCD-80 displays the complete
status of the fire alarm system and lets you do ACKNOWLEDGE, SILENCE
and RESET functions for the control panel from a remote location.
Use the ACS Mode Interface for communicating with the following LED/Lamp
type annunciators: ACM-16AT, AEM-16AT, ACM-32A, AEM-32A, AFM-16A,
AFM-32A, AFM-16AT, LDM-32, LDM-E32, and LDM-R32. The ACS interface
also communicates with the AMG-1 Audio Message Generator, the UZC-256
Universal Zone Coder, the NIB-96 Network Interface Board, the LCD-80
Annunciators operating in the ACS Mode and the ACM-8R Relay Annunciator
The ACM-8R Relay Module provides relays for controlling equipment located
at remote locations. The ACM-8R greatly increases the relay control capabili-
ties of the control panel. You can assign the ACM-8R to any of the 576 panel
annunciation points. Each ACM-8R module covers continuous groups of
eight panel points.
The ACS Mode Interface can annunciate CPU-400, zone, detector, module,
and circuit status. The 576 panel annunciation points are divided into nine
groups of 64 points, as shown in Tables A1 to A9. Each group can be as-
signed to one or more of the ten annunciator addresses supported by the
The AFP-400 uses ACS Annunciator addresses 1 to 10. Each address can
communicate with one receive/transmit device. Configure other devices on
the same address as Receive Only. You can connect up to 32 devices to the
ACS output, all addresses combined.
control panel from a remote location. The ACS Mode Interface can also
activate output circuits and control modules from remote locations.
ACS Mode
Terminal Mode (LCD-80)