Connecting Cables to the Passport 5430
306308-A Rev 00
Using the Cable Looms to Manage Cables
Using the cable looms to manage cables helps to
eliminate cable disconnects;
improve network availability;
reduce the time required to replace a card.
When attaching cables to the Passport 5430 system processor cards and modules,
note the following guidelines:
Begin cabling connectors for Module 1 on cards installed in the bottom-most
PCI slot first, then cable connectors for Module 2 on the same card. Use the
slots of the cable loom installed on the right side of the chassis to route cables
from PCI cards. Route the cable through the cable loom slot corresponding to
the card to which you are attaching the cable.
Begin cabling the connector for the bottom-most WAN adapter module. For
example, cable the remote console before cabling the WAN adapter module
installed in the Module 5 slot. Use the slots of the cable loom installed on the
left side of the chassis to route cables from WAN adapter module cards. Route
the cable through the cable loom slot corresponding to the card to which you
are attaching the cable.
When cabling a module connector, avoid routing cables across other module