182 System features
Cancel Background Music
You can cancel Background Music.
1 .
Class of Service
The Class of Service
a call consists of all the
and lines available to you for that call. This is determined by the
features assigned to the telephone in Administration
programming, including all Dialing Filters and Remote Access
Users who need to dial
not permitted by the
Service of the line or telephone that they are using, can switch to
a different Class of Service by entering a Class of Service
Password. Remote users can change the set of
available to them by entering the
DN followed by a Class
internal numbers
Each telephone in the
system has its own internal
number. The length of internal numbers in your system may be
from 2 to 7 digits for a non-expanded system or 3 to 7 digits for
an expanded system. All numbers in your system are the same
length. Your Installer sets the length of internal numbers (also
called the DN length) in Configuration programming.
To find out your internal number, use the Button Inquiry feature
on an internal line button. On the M7100
Telephone, Button inquiry shows your internal number followed
by the function assigned to your single memory button.
L i n e s
T h e f o l l o w i n g f e a t u r e s
characteristics are associated with the
use of lines.
System features
Disconnect Supervision
When Disconnect Supervision is assigned to a line, the
system monitors it to detect if an external caller hangs up.
allows the system to release the line for other uses. Your
assigns disconnect supervision to lines in
supervision can be turned on and off
o n l y o n
oop start trunks. E&M and DID trunks are always
disconn, ct supervised.
Line appearance
of the lines in your system may appear at any of your
telephones. Your Installer assigns lines to telephones in
Configuration programming.
Usually, only the lines that are appropriate for a particular person
appear at that person’s telephone. When a line is assigned to a
t e l e p h o n e i t i s a u t o m a t i c a l l y g i v e n a l i n e b u t t o n o n t h a t
t e l e p h o n e , i f a b u t t o n i s a v a i l a b l e . T h e M 7 1 0 0 T e l e p h o n e h a s
line buttons for its lines.
Normally, you cannot answer a call that is ringing on a line that
does not appear on your telephone. To pick up such a call, use
Park, or Transfer.
Hung lines
line that has been redirected using Line Redirection may
remain busy after a call is over. If this happens, the outgoing line
for the redirection will also remain busy. These are hung lines
and you must clear them.
line indicator that has been solid for a long time is the only
indication that a line is hung. However, the solid line
may also indicate a genuine call in progress. Make reasonably
sure that, the line is indeed hung before clearing it or you may cut
off a