Volume Bar
The Volume Bar controls the volume of the receiver, telephone
ring, Handsfree speaker, headset and Background Music. Press
either end of the volume bar
to adjust the
A headset lets you keep both hands free while you are on a call
others overheanng your telephone conversations.
If you plug a headset into your telephone while you are on a call,
your telephone’s microphone and speaker (or your receiver you
are on a regular call)
off and your headset microphone
and earpiece are turned on.
You must have the Handsfree/Mute feature assigned to your
telephone you wish to use a headset.
you are using the headset, the receiver and the switch in
the telephone cradle do not work.
A headset cannot be used on an
Usina a headset
on a call using the headset, press
to turn your
headset on and off.
To answer a call, press
To adjust the volume, press the appropriate side of the volume
b a r
To change to a Handsfree call while you are on a call using your
headset, unplug
headset. Your telephone’s microphone and
speaker turn on
call becomes a Handsfree call. (It is a
g o o d i d e a t o p u t t h e c a l l o n h o l d w h i l e y o u d o t h i s . )
You may see this prompt when you try to use a headset.
You are
to use a headset:!
is not
p r o g r a m m e d f o r y o u r t e l e p h o n e . I f
you are not using a headset, you
h a v e a c c i d e n t a l l y p l u g g e d y o u r
t e l e p h o n e r e c e i v e r i n t o t h e h e a d s e t
outlet on the bottom of the telephone.
Hearing Aid Compatibility
The receivers on all
telephones are compatible
hearing aids as defined in the FCC rules, Part 68,
6 8 . 3 1 6 .
Not all hearing aids are optimized for use
t e l e p h o n e .
Wall Mounting
telephones can be mounted on a wall. Contact the’
Installer or Service Representative if you wish to have any
telephones in your system wall-mounted.
Modular DR.51 System Coordinator Guide
P O 8 4 2 6 4 7 0 2
P O 8 4 2 6 4 7 0 2
Modular DA5.1 System Coordinator Guide