108 /Call Pickup
Park a call
You can suspend a
so that it can be retrieved from any
telephone in your system.
1 .
2 .
Use the Page feature to announce the retrieval code
displayed by your telephone.
Retrieving a parked call
S e l e c t a n i n t e r n a l l i n e . 4
If you have an
Telephone, pick up the receiver.
2 .
Dial the call park retrieval code.
You will see some of these displays while parking a call. You
may see some of these displays while retrieving a parked call.
T h e p e r s o n y o u w e r e t a l k i n g t o h a s
already parked
y o u r c a l l . Y o u c a n n o t
park the same call.
attempted to park a call with
no active call on your telephone. If the
you wish to park on hold. you
must reconnect to it before you can
You have entered an invalid retrieval
There was no call on the retrieval
y o u e n t e r e d .
have attempted to park a call, but
there are no calls at your telephone.
Modular DR5.1 System Coordinafor Guide
You have tried to park a conference
call. Split the conference and park the
calls separately. The person who
retrieves the calls can reconnect the
Record the code shown. Use Page
or press
announce the call and its retrieval
c o d e .
All available retrieval codes are in use.
Transfer the call or take a message
i n s t e a d .
When you park a call, the system assigns one of nine codes for,
the retrieval of the call. These codes consist of the Call Park
p r e f i x , w h i c h m a y b e a n y d i g i t f r o m 0 t o 9 , a n d a t w o d i g i t c a l l
number between 01 and 09. For example, if the Call Park prefix
is 4, the first parked call is assigned Retrieve Park coda 401.
Your Installer sets the Call Park prefix in
the Call Park Prefix is set to None, parking is
d i s a b l e d .
Your installer also sets the Call Park Callback delay in
Configuration programming. External calls parked for longer than
the program delay are returned to your telephone.
calls parked are not returned to the telephone that
parked the call and there is no callback reminder.
Modular DR5.1 System Coordinator Guide