Right top XY:
it refers to align the farthest component on the tray (generally take the component at right top as the final
one on the tray, and take the component at left bottom position as the first one)
X qty:
it refers to how many components in X direction
Y qty:
it refers to how many components in Y direction
Start X, Start Y:
It refers to the first IC in X/Y direction if the tray is in full package; If some ICs have been used and
some tray slots are empty, please directly set the exact position as actual situation, start X will be the location of its actual
column and start Y will be its actual location of row.
Feeder basic info
see figure
: once selected, all components in this feeder will be skipped.
Feeder exchange
: this function can be used if any reel tape was installed at wrong or inappropriate position. Select the
feeder/ IC tray feeder you need to exchange, then the related feeder info will be
synchronized to the swapped feeder/ IC tray feeder.
Pick XY
: Align the first component position in the feeder as fig.4.2.2, which is Mark camera align the component
central position, then click ”save and back”, the well-saved position’s X/Y coordinates will be automatically show up as fig.
4.2.1 (P.S.: pick position can be set one by one or be set by the scale setting, scale setting is more convenient).
Initial angle:
default is 0°, if any special need, you can modify this angle to change the component’s placement
direction. Special attention for some chips with direction requirement, such as LED red/green, diode, IC etc.