you can start to produce few boards.
12.2 First production test
1 Make a programming file
2 Test the file to pick and place components.
12.3 Component Inspection
Inspection items
Check if the specification, direction, polarity of components is aligned with what they should be.
Whether the components are damaged or the pins are distorted.
Whether the component is off beyond allowance.
The inspection methods vary from the equipment that you have.
Except visual inspection, all of amplifier, microscope, online or offline AOI equipment can be applied if the
pitch of IC is quite small to check.
Inspection standards
Please follow SOP to do inspection or any other general standards (IPC Standard and SJ / T10670-1995 SMT General
Technical Requirements).
Adjust the programming file according to the placement effect after the first production test.
1. If there is any issue of specification, direction and polarity, please follow process file to amend.
If the components are off, please adjust the file by following two methods.
If the placement effects of all components are off in the same direction, it would be the
fiducial issues. Please resolve this issue by adjusting the coordinate of fiducials according to its value
of deviation. If the fiducials are normal, you can click the position align of the component list, the machine will carry
out the identification of Mark point first, then click the left mouse button to select the center position of the component
which has been mounted, click the right mouse button to select the center position of the PCB board component, click
the next one until it is finished and save. The machine will record the corrected position and mount again.
If there are several components off beyond allowance
an offset can be estimated and the placement coordinate value
of the component can be corrected directly in the component list, or you could adjust their coordinates on working file