6.3.2 Import the coordinate file
(1) Export the component coordinate information through computer by choosing metric system CSV format to the USB
flash disk.
(2) Plug the USB into the machine, do not choose the manual programming, import the processing file by clicking related
layer file import button. The right side click ‘file import top layer’ and the reverse side click ‘file import bottom layer’ . It
will pop up a selecting window, choose the processing file and click save, the information will be imported to the list.
(3) Addition of component: Click ‘New’ , the component list will copy one row from the adjacent row, then modify the
component information. Delete component: Select the wrong component row, click delete to remove the component.
(4) Movement of component
When editing, sometimes we need to do a slightly adjustment for the edited file, we have three ways of movement:
Move up: to move the selected component upward
Move down: to move the selected component downward
Move to head position: To move the selected component to the first row. Please notice the first row component must
be the same as the first component to place on the PCB.
Search designator
it’s convenient for users to find the specific components, click the seek footprint, and input
footprint name in new window, click “OK” and finish.