Setup and Operation 2-39
If a CFG file comes with your board
and a CFG file already exists on the ECU disk-
ette, you still need to copy the CFG file from the
option configuration diskette (see “Maintain
System Configuration Diskette” in this section).
This ensures that the system uses the latest ver-
sion of the file.
In the rare event that the CFG file on the ECU
diskette is newer, the system displays an Over-
Write Current File message. In this case, press
to cancel.
Select the file you want to add and press
. A screen with information about
the board appears.
to confirm the addition of the board.
Insert the ECU diskette. Highlight the board and press
to confirm the slot
location of the board.
When you are done, press
to exit the “Step 2: Add or remove boards” con-
figuration procedure.
Before you exit, note information you might need to change settings or install
boards. To print out any configuration information about the board, select “Step
4: Examine Required Switches.”
Repeat steps 1 through 9 in the above procedure to add another board.
(3) Step 3: View or Edit Details
Select Step 3 to configure your system when you are setting up the system for the first time
and to modify system board settings.
System board settings include the following configuration categories:
System and video BIOS caching and system and video BIOS shadowing
Port configurations — parallel port, serial port 1, and serial port 2 addresses and
Peripheral controllers — diskette drive controller, PCI SCSI controller, PCI IDE
controller, PCI VGA controller.
Refer to Table Section 2-18 for a quick-reference list of EISA Configuration Utility pa-
rameters and their factory (default) settings.
See the procedure and additional information in Table Section 2-18 to configure your sys-
tem board.