This service and reference manual contains the technical information necessary to set up,
maintain, troubleshoot, and repair the NEC Image
P90E and Image P100E computer
systems. It also provides hardware and interface information for users who need an
overview of the computer system design. The manual is written for NEC-trained customer
engineers, system analysts, service center personnel, and dealers.
The manual is organized as follows:
Section 1, Technical Information
, provides an overview of the computer features,
hardware design, interface ports and internal devices.
Section 2, Setup and Operation
, takes the user from unpacking to setup and operation.
Included is a description of the system configuration, system password, and the computer’s
jumper settings, including the factory default settings.
Section 3, Options
, provides the user with installation and troubleshooting information for
each specific option.
Section 4, Troubleshooting and Repair
, includes a list of NEC service information and
telephone numbers that provide access to the NEC Bulletin Board System (BBS),
FastFacts, and Technical Information Bulletins. Included are maintenance, troubleshooting,
and disassembly and reassembly information along with an illustrated parts breakdown.
Appendix A, Specifications
, provides specifications for the system unit, power supply,
diskette drives, hard disk drives, and CD-ROM reader.
Appendix B, Connector Pin Assignments
, provides a list of the system board internal
connector pin assignments and a list of external pin assignments for the keyboard/mouse,
serial, parallel, video, PCI IDE, and SCSI-2 ports.