Setup and Operation 2-27
Enter your password, press
reenter your password, and press
to save the
Exit Menu
Selecting “Exit” from the menu bar displays the following exit options:
Save Changes & Exit
Discard Changes & Exit
Get Default Values
Load Previous Values
Save Changes.
The following subsections describe each of the options on the Exit Menu. Note that
does not exit this menu. Select one of the items from the menu or menu bar to exit.
Save Changes & Exit
After making the selections on the Setup menus, always select Save Changes & Exit to
save and make them operative.
Unlike standard RAM memory, CMOS is sustained by an onboard battery and stays on
after the system is powered off.
After saving the selections, the program displays this message:
Changes have been saved
at “Continue” exits Setup and reboots your system.
A prompt appears if you attempt to exit without saving.
During bootup, Setup attempts to load the values saved in CMOS. If the values saved in
CMOS cause the system boot to fail, reboot and press
to enter Setup. In Setup, the
default values (as described below) can be loaded or you can try to change the values that
caused the boot to fail.
Discard Changes & Exit
Use this option to exit Setup without recording any changes.
Get Default Values
To load all the default Setup values in the Setup menus, select Get Default Values from the
Main Menu. The program displays this message: