4.2.1 Adjust the TI controls for ac voltage measurements.
4.2.2 Adjust the TI and calibrator controls for TI measurement of the following calibrator voltage and frequency; outputs
400 Hz – 1 V, 400 Hz – 10 V, 400 Hz –100 V, and 4 kHz – 10 V or 50 kHz – 10V. (If the TI has a range above 100 V, it will
be tested as 400 Hz – 100 V). At each calibrator output specified by the manufacturer.
4.2.3 Set the calibrator V ac output voltage switches for minimum output.
4.3.1 Set the TI controls to measure resistance.
4.3.2 Press the calibrator ohms switch, and set the calibrator output switch to 1 k, 10 k, 100 k, 1000 k, or 10000 k. At each
setting, verify that the TI indication is within the TI tolerance limits specified by the manufactuer.
4.3.3. Affix a special calibration label to the TI, listing any function which was not calibrated, and any function or range for
which the calibrator did not provide a 4:1 test accuracy ratio.
4.3.4 Unless other measurements are to be performed, set all power switches to off and disconnect the equipment.
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