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Cut Depth
- A Hot Key function that sets the depth of cut. Cut Depth refers to the Z-axis distance the end of the
cutter will go below the surface of the material during a cut.
Cut Height
- The distance the cutting tip maintains above the surface of the material on a cutting move.
Cut Speed
- A Hot Key function that sets the speed of the cut.
- The path taken by the cutting head to complete the cutting sequence. Dielines are most often used in
software programs like Adobe Illustrator.
- (Distributed Numerical Control) allows the controller to access sub-directories on the hard drive of a
host PC and is used to transfer files from the PC to the controller.
- A listing of all activity completed by the DNC and kept by the DNC.
Dry Run
- A controller function that will execute a file with no Z-axis movement. Dry Run is used to show the
operator where the tool will go during the cutting sequence.
Emergency Stop
- The red mushroom button located on the keypad, as well as on the side of the laser on the
operator station, used to remove power from the machine excluding the controller board and limit switches.
External Halt
- The keypad display that appears when power is applied to the system with the Emergency Stop
button pushed in on the keypad pendant.
Feedrate Override
- A Hot Key used to adjust the cutting feedrate of the system while a file is being executed.
- A reference mark, or dot, used in MultiVision that allows the CNC machine to recognize the
orientation of the material and adjust the cut file accordingly.
- The operating system of the controller that should only be loaded when instructed by
Firmware contains all of the low-level commands and is the first level of controller software.
Flash RAM File
- A file containing all of the machine parameters of a particular laser. Settings such as table size
and resolution are located in the Flash RAM File, which is the third level of controller software.
- The mechanical part of the laser, also known as the bridge, which moves the head assembly from the
front to the rear of the table.
G Code
- The machine code language used by the controller to execute motion commands.
- The drive system on Pro series that uses planetary gear reduction to produce rotation of the pinion.
Hard Home Position
- The home position determined by the location of the targets and limit switches, typically
the front right side of the table.
- A reference to the particular cutting tool (i.e. Spindle, Plasma torch, Laser, or Oxyacetylene torch).
Routers * Lasers * Plasma * WaterJets * Knife Cutters
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