Time scan differs from wavelength scan in that the unit of abscissa is time during scanning.
In the functions such as “Set Parameter”, “Spectrum”, “File” and operation, the requirements for
time scan are the same as those for wavelength scan.
The Interface of Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative analysis means that in the conditions of selected excitation source (namely at
excitation wavelength) by measuring the fluorescent emission intensity (F) of the component (its
unknown concentration C) to be determined, from the formula F=KC, the concentration of the
component to be determined is acquired. K in the formula is a constant related to the test conditions
and it can be acquired by measuring the fluorescent emission intensity of a standard solution of the
component to be determined and then by calculating in the same test conditions. With the
fluorescent emission intensity of many standard solutions it can also be acquired by linear fitting or
graphical solution method. Quantitative analysis can be used to measure the content of the
component of emitting fluorescence in the sample solution.
The interface of quantitative analysis is displayed as shown in Fig. 2-4.
Fig. 2-4 Interface of Quantitative Analysis