Add to phonebook
Select a mail address type icon at [
When entering a mail address, [
Public] is automatically entered.
Enter the Secret code at [
Enter the specified Secret code (P.121) when the recipient saves it. Used when sending mail.
• If you save a mail address as “phone Secret [email protected]” in the Phonebook, you
cannot send mail or reply mail to this address. To avoid this problem, change the mail address to “phone
[email protected]” and save a Secret code.
• Enter the mail address beforehand.
• The Secret code is masked by “
”. Only when the Secret mode is set to [Display ON], it is displayed
in numbers.
Enter a postal address at [
Enter an address within 64 full-width or 128 half-width characters.
Select [ON]/[OFF] of the Secret at [
To display the entry saved as Secret
Set the Secret mode to [Display ON].
The entered data is saved in the Phonebook.
It is recommended that you make a separate note of the data saved in the Phonebook.
The saved data may be lost as a result of malfunction, repair, change of the Mova or other handling.
Although the data of the Phonebook is kept for about 3 weeks even after the battery pack is removed or run
out, the data may be lost after the period.
Under no condition will DoCoMo be held liable for any damaged or lost data saved in the Phonebook, etc.
The following data can be copied to a new mobile phone at our service counter (DoCoMo shop, etc.) when
you change the models: “1st phone number”, “katakana and kanji names”, “Group setting”, “1st mail address”,
“bookmarks”, and “Secret”. Note that some data of the Mova may not be copied depending on the specifications
of the newer model.