or messages
No memory space
Out of -mode service area
Part of text is deleted
Root certificate is not valid
Server is full
Service is not registered
Signature space is not available
Size of this page is not supported
SSL session cannot be established
Syntax error
This name already exist
Transmission failed
URL address is not valid
URL too long to be registered
7 0 0 e n t r i e s a r e s a v e d i n t h e
100 schedules are saved.
50 bookmarks are saved.
The i-mode service cannot be used
since you are outside the i-mode
service area or in a location without
the radio wave.
Since the number of characters in the
mail main body exceeds 250 full-
width or 500 half-width characters,
part (the ending) of the main body has
been deleted.
The SSL list is set to [Invalid].
M a i l c a n n o t b e h e l d a t t h e
i-mode center when the holding
number of mail reaches the maximum
on the recipient’s side.
The i-mode service cannot be used
since you do not subscribe to i-mode.
The i-mode outgoing communication
is restricted.
Signature cannot be attached since
the total number of characters in the
mail main body and signature
exceeds 250 full-width or 500 half-
width characters.
The reception has been canceled
since the data you are obtaining on
the site or Internet site exceeds the
maximum size of a page.
The SSL session failed.
There is no data that can be displayed
on the Mova.
The same name has been already
saved in the mail list.
An error occurs when sending mail.
The recipient of Short Mail is incorrect.
The data on the site cannot be
displayed since it is invalid.
Failed to save in the bookmark since
the URL exceeds 256 half-width
characters (P.105).
Delete unnecessary entries in the
Phonebook (P.53).
Delete unnecessary schedules
Delete unnecessary bookmarks
Move to a location where “ ” is turned
on (P.21).
Edit the mail main body as necessary
Set the SSL list to [Valid] (P.114).
Send again after the recipient makes
a setting to receive mail (P.126).
Subscribe to i-mode.
Set the i connection to [ON] (P.98).
Decrease the number of characters
in the mail main body or send without
attaching the signature (P.124, 136,
Connect again.
Save as a different name (P.138).
Make sure that “ ” appears and send
again. When the message appears
again, wait for a while and send again
Enter the correct recipient (phone
number) and send again (P.141).