Entering T
Save pr
ediction/user/Reset data/Download dictionar
Enter the reading in the reading input field.
Enter a reading within 16 hiragana characters.
Enter the word in the word input field.
Enter a word within 16 full-width or 32 half-width characters.
• Up to 300 different words of the same reading can be saved in the Prediction dictionary, and up to 10 in the
User dictionary.
The entered word is saved in the Prediction dictionary.
Restoring the Default Settings
The Mova’s dictionary has a data learning feature. The data leaning feature memorizes the
frequency in which individual words are used and give priority to the frequently used words
when displaying them in the matching words list/conversion target words.
If you reset the learning data, the order of priority resets to the default.
From the Menu, select [Tool]
[Reset data] and press
The screen confirming whether to reset the learning data appears.
Select [Yes] and press
The learning data is reset.
Using the Downloaded Dictionary
Up to 20 dictionaries can be downloaded using i-mode for use with the Mova.
When enabling a downloaded dictionary, words saved in it appear in the matching words
list. When you download more than one dictionary, you can change the order of the
dictionaries in the list to display words of a frequently used dictionary by priority.
Example: Enabling [
] and giving it the highest searching priority
From the Menu, select [Tool]
[Dictionaries] and press
Dictionary folder
The downloaded dictionaries are listed.
To display the detailed information
Move the cursor to the dictionary and from the submenu, select
To change the name
Move the cursor to the dictionary and from the submenu, select [edit
name]. Enter a name within 7 full-width or 14 half-width characters.
To delete a dictionary
Move the cursor to the dictionary and from the submenu, select [delete]
[Yes]. To delete all dictionaries, from the submenu, select [delete
all], enter the Security code and select [Yes].