Workstation 4 and 4 LX Field Service Guide
WS4 Troubleshooting
Workstation 4 Diagnostic Utility
CPLD Version
The CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device) is located on the WS4 System
Board. More detail can be found in Chapter 2. This device is programmable
therefore the CPLD Version field refers to the firmware version running on that
Boot Loader Version
The Boot Loader is located on the WS4 System Board. Greater detail can be
found in the system board technical descriptions located in Chapter 2 of this
The boot loader can be updated by the DOC Utility, (DOCUTILITY.EXE),
located in the \DOC\Utilities folder. DOCUTILITY also supports a command
line mode that allows the CAL to upgrade the Boot Loader as part of a
platform update. To run the DOCUTILITY using either method, the binary
file (LOADER.ROM) must be present on the compact flash card.
This file contains the Workstation 4 API, or Application Programming Interface.
POS Applications use the API to access hardware such as the Cash Drawers, Mag
Stripe Reader, and IDN Interface. The GR 1.2 platform updates uws4.dll with
many new features to support the graphics based LCD customer display.
This driver monitors the power button when Windows CE is running. It polls the
system board CPLD every 150 milliseconds checking for switch closures and
transitions the workstation between the various power management states. In
addition, the CAL calls on this driver to force a restart of the workstation during
the application download or upgrades.
When the unit is in the
power management modes,
the CPLD and boot loader control the power button.
The PRD, or Persistent Registry Driver manages the Windows CE registry. When
the workstation boots and starts WinCE, the PRD retrieves the persistent registry
from the CF Card and places it in RAM as the working registry. If the CF card is
blank, the default Windows CE registry is used. As the workstation operates,
changes could be made to the working registry by the application, or utilities such
as the CAL. In the background, the PRD persists the registry files to the CF card.
The LED driver controls the Operator LED color and blink rate while the
operating system is running. At start-up, the boot loader controls the Operator
LED Amber and Red POST error blink rates, but when the Operating system
starts and loads LED.DLL, the Operator LED turns solid Green. POS applications
can access the Operator LED color and blink rates through this driver.