Workstation 4 and 4 LX Field Service Guide
How This Manual is Organized
How This Manual is Organized
The fourth edition of this field service guide incorporates the Workstation 4 LX
System Board Field Replacement Units (FRUs), technical descriptions, and test
Chapter 1 combines the Workstation 4 and Workstation 4 LX spare Field
Replacement Units (FRUs). The FRUs are grouped into individual listings for
each system board. FRUs available for the optional LCD Customer Display are
included as well.
Chapter 2 provides technical descriptions of the original Workstation 4 System
Boards AB28 and ABRD36 with emphasis on the IDN and Customer Display/
Mag Stripe Reader interfaces, along with info on the TFT LCD interface, Super
IO, and voltage control.
Chapter 3 covers WS4 troubleshooting. The Chapter starts off with a detailed start
up description, provides voltage test points for the internal power supply and
system board voltage regulators. Much of the troubleshooting information
contained in this chapter is compiled from the experience of the technicians at the
MICROS Board Repair Center.
Chapter 4 provides technical descriptions of the Workstation 4 LX System Board
ABRD86, with emphasis on the IDN and Customer Display/Mag Stripe Reader
interfaces, along with info on the TFT LCD interface, Super IO, and on-board
voltage regulators.
Chapter 5 covers WS4 LX Troubleshooting. The Workstation 4 LX is a new
system board that requires a new start up description and test procedure. Voltage
test points for the internal power supply and system board voltage regulators have
been updated to accommodate this update system board.
Chapter 6 includes the FRU remove/replace procedures with separate sections for
for each System Board.
Appendix A includes pin-out diagrams for all WS4 and WS5 LX connectors and
related hook-up cables.