Page 36
Ethernet Interface
combiSENSOR 64x0
Operating modes:
- Continuous transmission with fixed data frequency
- Trigger mode (recall hardware trigger input or individual measuring values, see Chap.
Data rate:
It is possible to adjust different data rates between 2.5 Sa/s and 3.9 kSa/s. The data rate applies to all chan-
Filter/Measuring value averaging:
The following filters are selectable:
- Moving average
- Arithmetic average (only each n
value will be output)
- Median
- Dynamic Noise Rejection
The setting for the averaging applies to all channels.
All commands are transmitted via port 23 (Telnet). Each command starts with a $ character.
The controller ignores all characters, which are transmitted before the $ character.
The controller immediately returns all transmitted characters back as echo.
Commands are transmitted in ASCII format.
A time out is reached approximately 10 seconds after the last character input.
Commands always have to end with <CR> or <CRLF>.