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Appendix| EtherCAT Documentation
combiSENSOR 6430
A 2.1.2
EtherCAT® Services
In EtherCAT® services for the reading and writing of data are specified in the physical memory of the slave
hardware. The following EtherCAT® services are supported by the slave hardware:
- APRD (Autoincrement physical read, Reading of a physical area with auto-increment addressing)
- APWR (Autoincrement physical write, Writing of a physical area with auto-increment addressing)
- APRW (Autoincrement physical read write, Reading and writing of a physical area with auto-increment ad-
- FPRD (Configured address read, Reading of a physical area with fixed addressing)
- FPWR (Configured address write, Writing of a physical area with fixed addressing)
- FPRW (Configured address read write, Reading and writing of a physical area with fixed addressing)
- BRD (Broadcast Read, Broadcast Reading of a physical area for all slaves)
- BWR (Broadcast Write, Broadcast Writing of a physical area for all slaves)
- LRD (Logical read, Reading of a logical storage area)
- LWR (Logical write, Writing of a logical storage area)
- LRW (Logical read write, Reading and writing of a logical storage area)
- ARMW (Auto increment physical read multiple write, Reading of a physical area with auto-increment ad-
dressing, multiple writing)
- FRMW (Configured address read multiple write, Reading of a physical area with fixed addressing, multiple