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Appendix| EtherCAT Documentation
combiSENSOR 6430
A 2.4
EtherCAT Configuration with the Beckhoff TwinCAT©-Manager
For example the Beckhoff TwinCAT Manager can be used as EtherCAT Master.
Copy the device description file (EtherCAT®-Slave Information)
from the in-
cluded CD in the directory \\TwinCAT\IO\EtherCAT (for TwinCATV2.xx) or \\TwinCAT\3.1\Config\IO\Ether-
CAT (for TwinCAT V3.xx), before the measuring device can be configured via EtherCAT®.
EtherCAT®-Slave information files are XML files, which specify the characteristics of the Slave device for the
EtherCAT® Master and contain information to the supported communication objects.
Restart the TwinCAT Manager after copying.
Searching for a device:
Select the tab
I/O Devices,
Confirm with
Select a network card, where EtherCAT®–Slaves should be searching for.