XZR400 Series User’s Manual
97472 Issue 3, August 2018
Figure 2
MSRS Sensor
Conventional zirconium oxide sensors require an air reference on one side of the sensor
with the sample on the other. This provides a known constant on one side. The Michell
MSRS does not require an air reference but instead utilizes a metal, and its oxide,
sealed in the zirconium sheath. This allows the sensor operation to be irrespective of
the ambient air quality and negates the requirement for a ‘zero’ calibration gas.
Figure 3
MSRS Dimensions
Temperature is a major component in the Nernst equation and can affect the accuracy
of some sensors. Placing the thermocouple in contact with the small sensor body helps
provide a very accurate temperature measurement. The complete design offers high
accuracy and repeatability.
Ref. S Thermocouple
Figure 4
MSRS Wiring