Chapter 8 – Function test
Testing in daily operation
Vacuum test
Weekly in routine operation,
at initial start-up, after
pauses longer than two
weeks and in case of error
Conduct a vacuum test in the following situations:
Once weekly in routine operations
At initial start-up
After longer operating pauses
In case of a respective error (e.g. in the vacuum system)
The test serves to determine leaks in the autoclave.
The leakage rate is determined.
Conduct the vacuum test with a cold and dry autoclave as follows:
Switch the device on at the mains switch and wait for the display
Please wait/ Door – unlocking
, until the display
switches into its initial state.
Press the K
(P) until the menu
Vacuum test
is shown in the
Close the door. This is confirmed with the appropriate display
Press the K
(S), in order to start the vacuum test.
The chamber is
evacuated until the pressure for the vacuum test is
achieved. An equilibration time of five minutes and a measurement time of
ten minutes follow. The rise in pressure in the chamber is measured
within the measurement time.
The evacuation pressure and the equilibration time or measurement time
are shown on the display.
After the expiration of the measurement time, the chamber is ventilated
(appropriate display message).
Subsequently the message with specification of the leakage rate is shown
on the
display. If the leakage rate is too high, i.e. above
1.3 mbar, an
appropriate message appears on the display.
After the display message
Please wait/ Door unlocking
Please open
For connected report-printer or CF Card Writer and the setting
Immediate printout Yes
logging is carried out with simultaneous
Bowie & Dick test
Bowie & Dick test serves the verification of the steam penetration of
porous materials such as textiles. As a function check, you can routinely
conduct the verification of steam penetration.
For this purpose, use the test program - Bowie & Dick test.
Diverse test systems are offered by specialist dealers for the
Bowie &
Dick test. Conduct the test according to the manufacturer's instructions of
the test system.
Start the program Bowie & Dick test as follows: