GPIB Address
The GPIB address is selectable from 01 to 15. The factory default is 01. This will permit
communication between a personal computer and the unit once the IEEE-488 GPIB driver is set
to communicate with the respective address. Convertible V/I Control
Used to change voltage channel to a current channel. Current configuration will be highlighted in
red, while the unselected channels will be in green. If the channel is not present, it will be in grey
and not available for selection.
Figure 14 Convertible V/I Selection Screen
Note: If channel is not installed, the channels will be grey (see Figure 15 above). Phase Angle Setting
The Phase Angle Setting has three selections: 0-360
Lead, Lag or ±180
. In addition, the user
can set the display for clockwise and counterclockwise rotations. The factory default is 0-360
lagging. Press the Phase Angle select button, and the following screen will appear.
Figure 15 Phase Angle Display Selection Screen
Select either Leading or Lagging and the phase indicators 0 deg., or 0, 240, 120 deg. or 0, 120,
240 deg. or 0, - 120, +120 deg. Selecting 0 -360 Lead and 0, 240, 120 deg. will result with V1
referenced at 0˚, V2 at 240˚ Leading V1 and V3 at 120˚ Leading V1, Counterclockwise rotation.
Currents when entered will Lead their respective voltages by the angle entered. Selecting 0 – 360
Lag, and 0, 120, 240 will result with the voltage V2 and V3 lagging V1 by 120 and 240 degrees
respectively. Any current values entered will lag their respective voltages by the angle indicated.
See section 3.2 for more details on setting phase angle relationships.
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