and for a time dial setting of 3 the operating time
of the relay is say 2.000 seconds, then the test
set will apply 80 Watts to the relay and check to
verify that the relay operated in 2.000 seconds.
Test Configuration
The Test Configuration button will take the user
to the Test Configuration Menu. This menu is
used to set additional test parameters such as
ramp increment and start and stop points.
These test parameters should not need to be
adjusted. Test Configuration Screen
The test configuration menu is used to adjust the advanced relay testing parameters. The TVI
has default test parameters that should not need to be adjusted by the user. If the user has
determined these values do need to be adjusted, then following the directions in the TVI
Operations section.
Figure 70 Test Configuration Screen
Pickup Ramp Specifications
Increment % / 10 cycles
For the Power relay the test voltage is fixed at
the Normal Volts value and the test current is
ramped. This value is used to control the how
fast the MPRT will increase the current to
determine the power pickup value. The MPRT
will calculate the pickup value based on the
formula selected and the Normal Volts value
entered by the user. The value input into this
field is in % increase per 10 cycles. The default
value for this field is 0.02 % of pickup. Example:
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