timer depending upon Timer Start selection. If
the Dynamic Enabled button is selected the unit
will progress through the Pre-Fault; Fault; BKR-
Open and Reclose operations. The Start button
will always reset the timer to zero. After Start is
pressed this button will turn red and display
Stop. Pressing Stop at any time will stop the
test and turn the outputs off.
Timer Setup:
This selection will display the Timer Setup
Trip Time:
The trip time will display the time from initiation
of the timer to the time when the first stop post
results in a true condition.
Reclose Time:
The Reclose time will only be displayed when
Dynamic Enabled button is selected and a
Duration time is set in the BRK Trip selection.
The Reclose time will display the time between
the transition from BKR Trip to the time when
the first stop post results in a true condition.
The Prefault Settings:
With Dynamic Disabled, the user simply uses
the selected test sources as a steady-state
tester. When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user
enters the values for voltage, current, phase
angle or frequency, with the Duration time.
These values will be applied to the device under
test during the Prefault Duration time, and will
then switch to the Fault Settings.
The Fault Settings:
When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user enters
the Fault values of voltage, current, phase angle
or frequency, with a Duration time. These values
will be applied to the device under test during
the Fault Duration time, or until the device trips
(which ever comes first) and will then switch to
the Breaker Trip Settings.
The Breaker Trip Settings:
When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user enters
the values of voltage, current, phase angle or
frequency, with a Duration time. These values
will be applied to the device under test during
the Breaker Trip Duration time, or until the
device provides a reclose signal to the binary
input terminals (which ever comes first) and will
then switch to the Reclose Settings.
The Reclose Settings:
When Dynamic Enabled is used, the user enters
the values for voltage, current, phase angle or
frequency, with the Duration time. These values
will be applied to the device under test during
the post-fault/Reclose Duration time, and will
then switch outputs off.
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