test, the test set will apply fault current set in the setting screen and start the Trip timer running.
When the relay trip contacts close, record the trip time T1, reset the timer, wait a programmable
period of time and toggle the Binary Outputs 1 (A contact) and 2 (B contact) simulating the circuit
breaker opening. Start the reclose timer running when the A/B contacts change state. Upon
sensing the relay reclose contacts closing (defaulted to Binary Input terminal #2) stops the timer,
records R1 reclose time, and after a preset time delay of 0.040 seconds (simulates the closing
time of the breaker), toggles the Output Contacts back to the original start state (breaker closed)
and resets the timer. Repeat this process depending on the No. of Operations (defaulted to 4)
selected in the Reclose Relay Setting Screen, until the relay goes to a lockout state (after the 4
trip operation as is in this example). The test set will record the trip and reclose times for each
individual trip and reclose operation. See next figure for example test screen.
Figure 79: 4-Trip and 3-Reclose Timing Test
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