Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
Type of thresholds: Manual control only
If the Type of threshold parameter is set as follows, the levels are only activated or deactivated
manually via their communications objects:
Figure 28: Setting - Manual control only
This setting disables any automatic control of the steps. The fan levels can therefore only be
controlled via the objects or via the display.
Behavior at lock
The following settings are available:
Not used
The lock function is disabled and no communication object is shown.
Hold level
The controller holds the current level and the ventilation control is blocked due to further
control as long the object has the value 1.
Send a certail level
The controller sets the adjusted level and blocks the ventilation control due to further
control as long the object has the value 1.
As soon as the lock function is activated, the behavior of the unlocking can be set:
no action
The controller remains in the former state.
send a certain value
The controller sets the adjusted level.
Automatic mode
The controller switches to automatic mode
This behavior is not available for " Step switch bit coded" and "Step switch binary coded" if
"Type of thresholds: Manual control only" is active.
restore the old state
The controller restores the level, which was active before blocking.
The following table shows the communication object for the blocking function:
Ventilation control - Block
1 Bit
Locks the ventilation control
Table 66: Communication object - Blocking Ventilation