Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] •
4.10.2 Automatic calculation of public holidays
The following picture shows the menu for the automatic public holiday calculation:
Figure 68: Automatic public holiday calculation
For all federal states in Germany as well as in Austria the public holidays are already predefined and
are calculated every year using an integrated logic. Numerous public holidays are also predefined for
other EU countries.
In addition, further public holidays can be included using the following rules:
Fixed date
The "fixed date" rule defines holidays which take place on the same day year after year. Common
examples are New Year's Day on January 1 or Labor Day on May 1.
Relative to Easter Sunday
Since many holidays in Christian areas are based on Easter, holidays can be defined relative to Easter
Sunday. Then an offset of -100 to +100 days to Easter Sunday has to be defined. The simplest
example is Easter Monday, which is always exactly one day after Easter Sunday
Furthermore, individual rules can be created to calculate "own holidays".
If this rule is selected, a date can be chosen and the holiday can be calculated depending on this date.
The calculated holiday can be a maximum of 1 week before this date and 1 week after this date.