Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
Action of lock / enable
The lock/enable action can be used to set what locks the lock object..
locks buttons
blocks the execution of the button functions on the device, the time switch is still executed
locks time switch
blocks the execution of the time switch, the buttons on the device can still be executed
Behaviour on locking
Defines the behaviour of the locking function.
no action
die Schaltuhr wird nur gesperrt
fix value (one time)
the time switch is blocked and a fixed value is sent once upon activation
fix value (cyclic)
the time switch is blocked and a fixed value is transmitted cyclically
The cycle time is set by means of a common parameter for
"lock / enable" and " holidays"
Value for lock:
The value to be sent depends on the selected function. For example, only ON or OFF can be sent for
"Switching". With "Dimming", ON/OFF or a fixed value of 0% - 100% can be sent. A 1 bit value would
be transmitted via the 1 bit output object, e.g. object 0 (for function 1) "Dimming ON/OFF", but an
absolute value would be transmitted via object 2 "Dimming absolute ( only for time switch).
The following table shows the available communications objects:
Number Name
Length Usage
Function 1
Locking time switch
1 Bit
Locking or unlocking the time switch
Table 147: Communication object: Time switch - locking object
The status output can be controlled via the flags of the lock object:
- By default, the K flag and the S flag are set -> The object can only be described.
- If the L flag is also set, the internal lock status can also be read.
- If the L flag and the Ü flag are also set, the object sends its internal lock status active. It
should be noted, however, that if several lock objects are located in a group address, all locks
are also set when a lock object sends its status!
When the lock object is read/sent, the internal lock status is output. Both the lock function and the
leave function can set this status.
A locked time switch is displayed in red on the device!