Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
In this mode, the alarm system can either be armed via an external object only or via an external
object and an internal button. If the functionality "Arming internally or via external object" is
selected, one of the 4 direct buttons can be selected for arming the alarm system. This button is thus
no longer available for activation with the direct buttons.
Disarming is achieved by entering the correct PIN code on the device.
The external object serves as a status as well as a control object, i.e. the alarm system/device lock
can be activated/deactivated via this object and the device sends a "1" to this object when the alarm
system is armed and a 0 when the PIN code has been successfully entered and the alarm system is
thus disarmed.
Number Name
Length Usage
Alarm system with PIN-
1 Bit
Activation/deactivation of the device lock and
status object for switching an alarm system
Table 24: Communication object - PIN Code/Alarm system control
4.6.2 Device locking
The device lock is used to lock the device for unauthorized operation. The device lock can be
activated via an object, a button or automatically after a certain time. Only after entering the PIN
code or sending a "0" to the corresponding object is the device unlocked and can be operated again.
Figure 14: PIN Code - Device lock
The device lock can be activated via 3 different options:
External objekt
External objekt and button with PIN Code (one of the 4 directs buttons)
External objekt and time in Standby
The device lock can then be released again via the external object or by entering the correct PIN code.
Device lock with PIN-Code
1 Bit
Activation/deactivation of the device lock
Table 25: Communication object - PIN Code/Device lock