Technical Manual
Central Operation Unit Smart
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Phone: +49-2263-
880 • Fax: +49-2263-4588 • [email protected] • www.mdt.de
The temperature can be shifted in 4 different ways
1 Bit temperature shift
With the 1-bit temperature shift the Central operating unit merely transmits the command 1 for a
shift of the setpoint upwards and a 0 for a shift of the setpoint downwards.
The following table shows the available communication objects:
Number Name
Length Usage
Function 1
Setpoint shift
1 Bit
Sends the Setpoint shift
Function 1
State current setpoint
2 Byte
Object for the status value of the current
Function 1
Setpoint shift
(only for time switch)
2 Byte
Sending a 2-byte setpoint shift via the time
Table 128: Communication objects - Temperature shift via 1 bit
In order to be able to transmit an explicit setpoint value at a time via the timer, a 2-byte setpoint
shift exists here in addition to the 1-bit object. In the MDT heating actuator, the 1-bit setpoint shift
and the 2-byte setpoint shift must be activated for this purpose, and the Send setpoint change must
be set to "Yes".
For channel A of the heating actuator and function 1 of the Central operating unit Smart this means:
Central operating unit Smart (Function 1)
Heating actuator (Channel A)
Object 0
Setpoint shift
Object 18
Setpoint value offset (1 Bit)
Object 2
State current setpoint
Object 9
Current setpoint
Object 3
Setpoint shift (only for time switch)
Object 8
Setpoint value offset (2 Byte)
Table 129: Example
1 Bit Setpoint shift with MDT heating actuator
1 Byte temperature shift
With the 1-byte temperature shifting, the Central operating unit sends a 1-byte value which is
multiplied by the step width set in the controller. In order for the display and the current setpoint
value to be synchronous, the step width and the limits of the setpoint shift have to be specified in the
Central operating unit. MDT heating actuator has also to be set to 1 Byte temperature shift.
The following table shows the available communication objects:
Number Name
Length Usage
Function 1
Setpoint shift
1 Byte
Sends the Setpoint shift
Function 1
State current
2 Byte
Object for the status value of the current
Function 1
State setpoint shift
1 Byte
Object for the status value of the setpoint
Table 130: Communication objects - Temperature shift via 1 byte
For channel A of the heating actuator and function 1 of the Central operating unit Smart this means:
Central operating unit Smart (Function 1)
Heating actuator (Channel A)
Object 0
Setpoint shift
Object 8
Setpoint value offset (1 Byte)
Object 2
State current setpoint
Object 9
Current setpoint
Object 3
State current setpoint shift
Need only be connected if several units carry out
a setpoint shift at the same time. In this case,
this object is connected to all objects which
influence the setpoint shift (also object 0 of the
Central operating unit Smart).
Table 131: Example
1 Byte Setpoint shift with MDT heating actuator